3.7 420 G.school #36 / What is a Christian? (pt 1)

Today’s podcast

SETH GODIN The strategy sessions

I’m workshopping a new book.

For the last few months, I’ve been feverishly writing a book about strategy. Strategy for individuals, small organizations and large ones as well. Strategy for someone seeking to make a difference, and strategy for people who do projects.

Starting this week, I’ll be leading a series of discussions and talks inside of purple.space.

Purple.space is a cohort of about one thousand leaders, makers and connectors. People enroll by weekly subscription, and it’s a peer-to-peer community where mutual support and forward motion happen daily.

We’re creating a special cohort for these sessions, a chance to connect and discuss the concepts involved in strategy.

If you’d like to join in, we’d love to have you. For the next month, I’ll be doing a series of video talks and Q&A around strategy. The real benefits are in the peer support and connection, 24/7, around the world. Use the code TOGETHER to get the first week free as a trial.

Space is limited but we have room for you.

See you there.

MAY 12, 2024


4.1 419 What if you had "enough"?


3.6 439 G.school #35 / Forget what you think you know about God and Jesus!