4.5 354 Stress breaking point (?) (!)

Today’s podcast


SETH GODIN “Won’t get fooled again”

Alas, we probably will.

Recurring scams, hustles and deceptions work because we’re eager to be fooled by them.

Vaporware, false deadlines, fake budgets, unrealistic promises and straight out con jobs persist because at some level, we demand them. Divisive arguments, mob enthusiasm and simple lies work surprising well.

False hope delivers a benefit in the moment, while the reality we have to live with doesn’t arrive for weeks or months.

If you don’t want to get fooled again, think about why you got fooled last time.

November 1, 2024


4.6 359 G.school #85 Bible history (pt 1) (?)


4.4 353 What if you go deeper? (!)