3.7 334 G.school #84 Rewind to 10-27-1521

Today’s podcast


SETH GODIN “I didn’t see you there”

Someone I’ve worked with over the years happened to be driving down my street. I called out and said hello…

They ignored me. So I repeated myself.

“Oh,” they said, recognizing me. “It’s you.”

We’re more likely to see, hear and care if the person over there is actually a person. A person we know, or admire, or recognize.

If you write a nasty email to a company, it might make you feel sheepish if someone actually responds. “I didn’t know you were going to read it…”

It’s easy to exclude people who aren’t like us, who might have a disability or come from a different background or group.

Not just exclude them, but not design for them, account for them, listen to them or see them with dignity.

October 27, 2024


4.1 333 The winner effect (?) (!)


3.6 325 G.school #83 What are the problems for the church of the future?