1.5 281 What if you stopped telling lies?

Today’s podcast

Nick Saban 3. "We're not going to talk about what we're going to accomplish. We're going to talk about how we're going to do it."

One of the most common reasons people give up on their goals is the distance between here, where they are today, and there, where they someday hope to be. If your goal is to someday run a marathon, but today you are able to run only a mile, the distance between here and there feels insurmountable. 

That's why successful people set a goal, and then relentlessly focus on taking the daily steps necessary to someday achieve that goal. They gain a sense of accomplishment from doing what they set out to do today. That makes today fun and lets them inch a little bit closer to achieving their ultimate goal.

As Saban says, "Becoming a champion is not an easy process. It is done by focusing on what it takes to get there -- and not on getting there."

Want to be successful, in whatever way you choose to define "success"? Commit to a process, not just a goal.

And then stick to that process.


1.6 282 G.school #7 Faith & repentance


1.4 285 What if you acted unafraid?