1.6 373 G.school #39 / Christology #2

Today’s podcast

The seven spiritual works of mercy:

  1. Counsel the doubtful: Offer advice to people who are unsure of what to do

  2. Instruct the ignorant: Share the faith and knowledge passed on to us with others

  3. Admonish the sinner: Admonish those who sin

  4. Bear wrongs patiently: Do not become bitter about wrongs done against you

  5. Forgive offenses willingly: Forgive those who have offended you

  6. Comfort the afflicted: Comfort those who are suffering

  7. Pray for the living and the dead: Pray for those who are living and those who have passed away 


1.7 368 G.school #40 / Christology #3


1.5 384 What meaning are you searching for?