2.7 250 G.school #98 Victory! (?)
Today’s podcast
SETH GODIN Change your shoes
Like all good metaphors, it might be practical too.
Your ‘shoes’ are the point of greatest leverage. The spot where you have traction and engage with the world most directly.
For a freelancer, it might be the way you engage with customers, or your software tools. It might be the reputation (or lack of reputation) you have with your peers.
Organizations that struggle with marketing often seem to struggle with customer service, product design and supplier relationships as well. All places where a new set of shoes might help.
Customer traction is everything, and traction is something we can work on. It’s not as easy or direct as buying a new pair of shoes, but it’s worth it.
PS If you play competitive Frisbee or soccer, a pair of cleats will change everything.
And if your back or shoulders hurt, if you’re out of energy more often than you’d like, consider getting a pair of insoles. Pull out the disposable ones that came with what you’re wearing now and put these in instead. It might make an astonishing difference. And they’re a fabulous gift…
December 15, 2024