Our daily podcast…
1 Breathing exercise
2 I’m so happy and grateful now that …
3 Morning, Mid-day, Night
4 4-part Transformation program (Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual) to help people with their unique journey from "Someday Isle" to "Successlandia" (It’s over the horizon, separated by the predictably unpredictable sea), people who are ready, willing and able to work (and want to navigate to their best future).
All essential services provided (housing, clothing, food, hygiene, smart phone, transportation), foundational employment, education, career coaching and counseling.
5 It’s simple Say, “I believe that something great is going to happen to me today!
6 Advice from an 80-yr old .Show respect for everyone who works for a living, regardless of how trivial their job
7 3 simple goals for today
8 Our on-line course https://sso.teachable.com/secure/383548/identity/sign_up
9 State Pen Practical Exercises https://bit.ly/StatePen-PracticalExercises
10 Success class https://sparklp.co/1b2614c5/
PHYSICAL (the Sails) (fitness & health)
11 Goggins https://youtube.com/shorts/a3KVu4zsYDE?feature=share
12 Jack’s observations https://vitalitypod.com
MENTAL (the Rudder) (Learning, remembering, communicating)
13 Arthur Brooks Love is what matters https://youtube.com/shorts/k3wLQKb6G84?si=1HGV8C7DgI_VBJtU
14 TED Daniel Amen (bran scans) https://youtu.be/esPRsT-lmw8?si=aZ6WNgmBMKIkOM0L
15 Daily Stoic Philosophy is… https://youtube.com/shorts/-_R5bQ9CwlE?si=ylXGrpwAxeG_KwPl
16 INC https://www.inc.com/stephanie-mehta/3-tips-from-a-ceo-on-how-to-improve-your-leadership.html
28 Prager-U Happiness #1 https://www.prageru.com/video/why-be-happy
Happiness #2 https://www.prageru.com/video/dont-make-things-worse
17 Seth’s Blog https://seths.blog/
18 Fables http://bit.ly/DCS-Fables
EMOTIONAL (Below deck) (controlling your emotions)
19 Darren Hardy https://dd.darrenhardy.com/identifying-real-vs-artificial-obstacles
20 Motivational push yourself… https://youtu.be/wcA0e4wqVCk?si=FUzsEUX8tIAQT94e
21 Jordan Peterson Nietzsche was right https://youtube.com/shorts/hPlncaxu7cM?si=_rkt897pHhrxM0Wv
22 Divine Inspiration https://www.linkedin.com/in/markdivine/recent-activity/articles/
SPIRITUAL (the Hull)
23 Berachah https://berachah.church/
29 James 1:27 Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.
25 PRAYER https://bit.ly/TW-DailyPrayers
26 1 minute to project the path for your day / say your own personal prayer
27 Schedule your 10-min weekly call: (NEW) https://calendly.com/edward-668868/15min
C 765 537 8480
e TW.LV2022@gmail.com
7 key phrases
1 "Can I ask you a couple of questions?" provides reassurance and inspires comfort.
2 "I'd love to hear what you think" offers a willing ear and respect.
3 "I think you're going to find this interesting" offers attention and a feeling of individualization.
4 "You might not have known this, but ... " is one of the most manipulative of these phrases, so please use it only for good; it leverages insecurity and rewards with confidence.
5 "Can I ask you a favor?" offers respect and potentially friendship.
6 "I'm sorry, but the answer is no" demonstrates confidence, boundaries, and reassurance.
7 Say absolutely nothing, as we've seen, it leverages social insecurity and offers opportunity.
We pray for those people living on the margins of society, in inhumane life conditions; may they not be overlooked by institutions and never considered of lesser importance. Pope Francis
Use the difficulty (Michael Caine)
1. Question every requirement.
Each should come with the name of the person who made it. Then you should question it, no matter how smart that person is.
2. Delete any part or process you can.
You may have to add them back later. In fact, if you do not end up adding back at least 10 percent of them, then you didn't delete enough.
3. Simplify and optimize.
This should come after step two. A common mistake is to simplify and optimize a part or process that should not exist.
4. Accelerate cycle time.
Every process can be speeded up.
5. Automate.
After you've completed the first four steps, what's left -- the things you really need to do, that are truly important, that genuinely add value -- can then be optimized and automated. Get rid of all the fluff, and then make what's left as effective and efficient as it can be.