Now what?

My son got sentenced to 15 years in prison. He is 20 years old. I don’t want him to feel depressed and give up. Is there anything I can do for him while he is in prison?

Agreed with the commentator with the “you have no idea…” thoughts; however, totally disagree re: the “warrior” stuff. I too did time in California Prisons; 7 yr term for white collar (i.e., securities fraud). I am a well-educated lawyer.

I would summarize prison as long periods of boredom punctuated by short periods of intense emotion (mostly negative). Your son will change, the question is what will be become. As Greg Boyle, SJ of Homeboy Industries might say, “Prison is not the place you go to, it’s the place you go from”. Your son gets to decide what he will be like when he leaves prison.

My goal was that, upon my release in 2011, I would be better physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Everyday I cultivated each of those areas. Guess what? Prison is a great opportunity for your son to enter the world as a great person, a positive leader,

Greg Boyle, SJ would argue that Love is always the way.

Since my release, I’ve worked to help hundreds of inmates each year while incarcerated and upon their release by providing everything they need to get started.

Keep the faith!


The 2 x 4 lessons


Once again, Seth nailed it!