2.2 244 Attention doesn’t scale (?)
Today’s podcast
SETH GODIN Muscling your way through
When there’s an overwhelming amount of incoming, it’s possible to bear down and simply get through it.
200 emails because of a product launch.
A project goes viral and there are a lot of fires to put out.
A deadline is imminent and it’s going to be a long night…
But when the incoming becomes chronic, it’s simply not possible. The problem isn’t a lack of effort. The problem is the system.
Forty years ago, anyone working in an office had to work their way through the pink while-you-were-out slips and the inbox. That’s it.
Now, there’s exponentially more, particularly if you are engaging with anyone outside of your organization.
The only solution is to change the system.
Simply shut down some channels of communication. Hand off entire swaths of engagement to someone else. Not next week, but now. Not for awhile, but forever.
Attention doesn’t scale, no matter how hard we try.